Work Style


Working Style

A working style
for each individual.

Our employees can choose from a variety of working styles that best fits their lifestyle. For example, when a hobbyist encounters a medical care enthusiast, cross pollination happens and unique ideas will surely be born. Some employees also utilize flextime, a system that allows them to flexibly set their working hours. It is possible to work with work-life balance in mind.


for diversity and inclusion

We promote diversity and inclusion across the entire group. We foster various initiatives in deference to diversity of age, nationality, gender, values, and the presence or absence of disabilities in order to turn that very diversity into a strength that sparks deeper change.

  • Promotion of employment of people with disabilities

    Promotion of employment of people with disabilities

    CCC actively hires people with disabilities and prepares a place where they can, in their own way, play an active role.We give support to our people to tackle challenges at their own pace by establishing an outpatient leave system.

  • Childcare / <br class="sp_appear">long-term care support

    Childcare /
    long-term care support

    Many employees engaging in childcare and long-term care utilize short getaways, leaves, reduced working hours and staggered working hours in order to strike a balance between responsible work and private roles.

  • Multinational staff

    Multinational staff

    The active members of CCC have a diverse range of nationalities. Open communication takes place regardless of nationality or occupation.

  • LGBTQ friendly

    LGBTQ friendly

    Through reviewing our internal regulations so that the partners of our LGBTQ employees are also recognized as their spouse, we endeavor to support the LGBTQ community, and seek to create a corporate culture, in which our employees can work with peace of mind and be themselves.
