Connecting politics and society with the generations from junior high school students to the youths in their 20s. School General Election Project

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A Place for Young People who will Lead the Future to Co-create New Discoveries and Ways of Thinking

The School General Election Project was commercialized through a business contest within the CCC Group.The idea of the project was to provide a place where young future leaders can co-create new discoveries and ways of thinking, which will help in shaping the future.Students from high school and junior high school are able to create opportunities to be familiar with politics and society, setup questions and deepen discussions, and embrace diversity while keeping their own individuality in the international community.All this started with the intention of serving such a social project.

The themes cover a wide range of different fields such as political and social issues, education advancement, and schools.We let the students and youths in their 20s "vote" through the website; by doing so, we have created an opportunity for every one of them to take the initiative in expressing their intentions.We aim to create a society in which we listen to the voices of younger generations and actively discuss the rules and systems necessary for the next era.

Some themes can accumulate over 10,000 votes!

Themes that are open for voting are
"Which political party do you find promising?"
"Who do you think is the right person for the next Prime Minister?"
"Who would you like to be the next President of the United States?"
and, "Are you for or against the Osaka Metropolis Plan?"

More than 10,000 votes, depending on the theme, were collected from men and women ages 10 to 29 nationwide.

* For poll results, click here

Understand the law and properly follow the rules.

 This School General Election Project also has election-themed voting, and thus adheres to the law that "during the election period, no one shall engage in popularity voting that could affect the real election." The project’s planners, Yoshida and Ishii, talked with lawyers and the Election Administration Commission on the Public Offices Election Act and sought out how they could legally implement it. We are promoting the project by finding solutions and making firm rules.


In the future, in addition to political parties and policies, we plan to take up more themes that are closer to our daily lives and those that tackle Japan’s rules, such as "What do you think about having school admissions in September?" and "What are your thoughts on the option for separate surnames for married couples?"We are looking forward to creating more and more opportunities for young people who do not yet have the right to vote to be able to speak out about politics and interests that affect them.

★ School General Election official website -
